Events, Italy

Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Fair

September 2023

The Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism BMTA

The Event in Paestum is from November 2nd to 5th 2023.

The 25th edition of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism (BMTA) will take place in November, from Thursday 2nd to Sunday 5th, 2023.

The exhibition is attended by Italian and international exhibitors. In recent years, 150 exhibitors have been registered, including 20 foreign countries, and over 100 meetings have been organized both, conferences and workshops.

The Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Fair is an opportunity to discover new destinations that may represent something original and unusual to offer in a meeting.

The promoter -Campania Region, Municipality of Capaccio Paestum, Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia – also confirm many specific areas:
ArchaeoExperience, Experimental Archeology laboratories for the diffusion of the techniques used in the past to create daily use artifacts;
ArchaeoIncoming exhibition space and Workshop where tour operators promoting Italian tourist-archaeological destinations are the protagonists;
ArchaeoMeetings for press conferences and presentations of cultural and territorial development projects;
ArchaeoWorking post-graduate and post-doctoral orientation by the Universities participating in the Exhibition Hall;
ArchaeoStartUp where new cultural enterprises and innovative projects in archaeological activities are introduced;
Archaeo Virtual, workshop and multimedia exhibition on digital applications and virtual archeology projects
Meet the Protagonists where the general audience meets the prestigious archaeologists and popularizers.

Guided and educational tours are available for journalists and visitors and 2 prizes: the “Antonella Fiammenghi” Award for the best thesis on archaeological tourism and the “Paestum Archeologia Mario Napoli” Award assigned to those who contribute to the valorization of cultural heritage, and the “Sebastiano Tusa” Award to personalities involved in the enhancement of submerged archeology.

To see an overview of different sections>>>

The Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Fair will in any case allow many visitors and professionals to experience Paestum and the beautiful Unesco site in a month when the weather is particularly lucky.


Go to the website of the Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange>>>