
Green Pass. What changes from August 6th

July 2021

Green Pass

Moving around Italy: the Green Pass and new criteria for regions’ color-code system

The latest Council of Ministers introduced:
new rules for mobility in Italy and
new criteria for the color status of the Regions
– the criteria for conducting shows and sporting events

The state of emergency was extended until December 31st, 2021

To read the press release of the Council of Ministers no. 30 of 22 July 2021, click here>>>


From August 6th, the Green Pass (for recovery from Covid-19 or one or two vaccinations) becomes the real pass in Italy for daily and working life, even to participate in events.
Those who do not have it will have to show a negative molecular or antigen test carried out in the previous 48 hours.

Editor’s note:
– the Green Pass for the first dose is valid until the date of the second shot
– the Green Pass after the two doses is valid for 9 months from the second dose
– the Green Pass after recovery from Covid-19 is valid for 6 months
– the molecular or antigenic text is valid for 48 hours

The Green Pass or negative test must be shown to access:
– restaurants and other commercial activities to be served at indoor tables
– Bars are also included, to be served at indoor tables, but not at the counter…
– shows open to the public, competitions and sports events
– museums, exhibitions, cultural, social and recreational centers
conventions, congresses, fairs, festivals and other aggregative meetings
– amusement parks, theme parks, spas
– swimming pools, gyms, wellness centers, even within hotels
– game rooms, bingo and casino
– public competitions
Discos remain closed.

The owners of the businesses where the Green Pass or the negative test applies, have the duty to check that only the people in possession of it access the premises.
In the event of a violation, both the owner and the customer could face fines ranging from 400 to 1,000 euros If the violation is repeated, the business risks could be shut from 1 to 10 days.

The new criteria for assigning “colors” to the Regions take into account both the number of infected people and the crowding in hospitals.

A Region is in the White area if it has fewer than 50 cases of infected per 100,000 inhabitants for 3 consecutive weeks
If it exceeds them, it can remain in the white area if:
– the occupancy of beds in the medical area for patients suffering from Covid-19 is equal to or less than 15 percent or
– the occupancy of ICU beds for patients with Covid-19 is equal to or less than 10 percent.

A Region moves to the Yellow area if:
– has a weekly rate of infections equal to or greater than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants,
– the occupancy of beds in the medical area for patients with Covid-19 is more than 15 percent and
– the occupation of ICU beds for patients with Covid-19 is more than 10 percent
If it exceeds 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a Region can remain in the yellow area if:
– the occupancy of beds in the medical area for patients suffering from Covid-19 is equal to or less than 30 percent or
– the occupation of ICU beds for patients with Covid-19 is equal to or less than 20 percent.

A Region passes into the Orange area if:
– has a weekly rate of infections equal to or greater than 150 per 100,000 inhabitants,
– the occupancy of beds in the medical area is more than 15 percent
– and the occupancy of ICU beds for Covid-19 patients is more than 10 percent

A Region passes into the Red Zone if:
– has a weekly rate of infections equal to or greater than 150 per 100,000 inhabitants,
– the occupancy of beds in the medical area for patients suffering from Covid is more than 40 percent and
– the occupation of ICU beds for patients with Covid-19 is more than 30 percent


In the white and yellow area, shows open to the public in theaters, concert halls, cinemas, entertainment venues and live music and in other clubs or spaces, even outdoors, are carried out exclusively with pre-assigned seating. and only if they observe the interpersonal distance of at least one meter, ensured both for spectators who are not habitually cohabiting, and for staff, and access is allowed only to those with the Covid-19 green pass.
No shows in the orange and red areas

In the white area, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percentoutdoors and 25 percent indoors in case of events with a number of spectators greater than 5,000 outdoors and 2,500 indoors, respectively.

In the yellow area, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percent and the maximum number of spectators cannot in any case exceed 2,500 for outdoor shows and 1,000 for indoor shows, for each single room. The activities must be carried out in compliance with these guidelines.

Organized by Federations or sports promotion companies, both for individual and team sports:

In the white area, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 50 percent outdoors and 25 percent indoors.

In the yellow area, the permitted capacity cannot exceed 25 percent and, in any case, the maximum number of spectators cannot exceed 2,500 for outdoor facilities and 1,000 for indoor facilities.