Davide Lentini

Managing Director / Teambuilding Experience


Davide Lentini
  • Visualizza il Cellulare +39 393.92.62.833

Expert in outdoor Training, Teambuilding activities, trainer and presenter

Degree in Science Education (Catholic University of Milan) in 2001, since more than 10 years, I have dealt with experiential training teambuilding and actions aimed at creating groups and developing, improving and encouraging the dynamics of those groups. Since 2007, I am a professor of Il Sole 24 Ore.

Expert in Training Outdoor Training and design format of teambuilding activities. Trainer and anchor. I strongly believe that the great secret of teambuilding given by the emotion of group creates a “boost” that generates “energy” and “enthusiasm” towards the achievement of new goals, new forms of enthusiasm and willingness to participate.
