Giorgio Beltrami

Professor - Bicocca University

Giorgio Beltrami
  • Visualizza il Cellulare +39 333.90.71.975

He does and teaches Adult Education by using the Lego Serious Play Method in different  organizational contexts.

After acheiving the degree in Education of Adults Sciences and the Master in the Cattolica University in Milan, Giorgio Beltrami collaborated with several important Milanese University (Cattolica and IULM) and with the University of Florence, of Tor Vergata and of Utrecht.

Currently he’s a professor in the University of Milano Bicocca and partecipates in different research projects about welfare models and human capital development.

He also deals with Formation, Management systems for Quality and Evaluation and Development of projects financed at the Regional and European level.

As an instructor and a facilitator he takes care of adult formation by using the Lego Serious Play Method of which he’s a certified instructor.