
Staff/Interpreters/Translators / Corporate Training

Operating in: Whole Italy / Abroad

Interpreters and translators in 16 languages. Negotiations, conferences and tour leader.

  • Spoken Languages Italian, English

Company profile

TradInFO is a non-profit association of professional interpreters and translaters graduated to the Scuola Interpreti e Traduttori in Forlì or Trieste.

Our partners work as full-time freelances as interpreters for negotiations and conferences, specialized translators, tour leaders, teachers of foreign languages for schools, universities and companies and as Italian teachers for foreigners and they offer services in 16 different languages, in addition to Italian.
TradInFO undertakes activities of promotion and networking among professionals. On our website the professionals can be looked for depending on linguistic combinations, geographical area and specialization.

Francesco D’arcangeli, president


See Also

Oriens srl

  • Staff/Interpreters/Translators / Corporate Training / Others
  • Operating in: Whole Italy / Abroad


  • Staff/Interpreters/Translators / Corporate Training
  • Operating in: Whole Italy / Abroad


  • Staff/Interpreters/Translators
  • Operating in: Whole Italy / Abroad

Calliope Interpreters

  • Staff/Interpreters/Translators
  • Operating in: Whole Italy / Abroad